Freitag, 21. November 2014

Epilobium angustifolium

Epilobium angustifolium

Alle Blätter wechselständig, sitzend oder kurz gestielt, . Daher wildert sie gerne, sollte jedoch in keinem . Englisch: willowherb, fireweed. Verwendeter Bestandteil: Kraut. Epilobium angustifolium ist eine Pionierpflanze und verträgt die Konkurrenz anderer Pflanzen schlecht.

It is in flower from July . Bei manchen Gartenliebhabern äußerst begehrt. Planting Directions Temperature: Lower temperatures of less than 41F are very effective for first - days, then 70F Average Germ Time: - days after . Als Wildblume trifft man sie oft an Waldrändern, Kahlschlägen und . California and is also found elsewhere in North America and beyond. Chamerion angustifolium ssp.

Der aus Weideröschen hergestellte Tee wirkt besonders bei Blasenleiden, Blasenschwäche, . Onagraceae (Evening Primrose family) Introduction to Vascular Plants.

Epilobium angustifolium

Photograph click to collapse contents. Bluetendurchmesser ueber 1. Range Firewee also known as willow-herb, can be found in every Canadian province and territory - although sometimes only in isolated pockets - and across. Schmalblaettriges Weidenroeschen) unterschieden.

Weitere deutsche Namen: Wald-Weidenröschen. This will romp away in your garden. EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM ALBUM SEEDS - Plant World Seeds. On the rarely offered and very lovely snow white Rosebay Willowherb, even the leaves. Its distribution covers the temperate and cool zones of the northern hemisphere: Europe, . Named for its habit of appearing on . Im Unterschied zur Wildart wesentlich . Plants of British Columbia: Scientific and Common Names of Vascular.

Diese Seite übersetzen Hong Qian , ‎ K. Das heimische Weidenröschen - edel und elegant, ganz in Weiß. Learn more about Fireweed uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain Fireweed. Epilobium having pink or yellow flowers and seeds with silky hairs.

Extract derived from a plant commonly known as fireweed or willow herb.

The young leaves, shoots and flowers of narrow-leaved fireweed are edible, and the flowers are used to make fireweed jelly. Life cycle: perennial, spreading by seed and . C and , and ambient humidity in the climatic test chamber. Standort: Sonne - Standort: Halbschatten . Chamaenerion angustifolium ( L.) Scop.

Blütezeit: Juli - September.

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