Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2014

Solidago gigantea

Als klonale Stauden produzieren Goldruten aus einem ausdauernden . Neophyten- Kanadische Goldrute. Die Blühmonate sind Juli, August und September. Unterstützen Sie das Pharma mit einer Spende! Riesengoldrute, siehe Goldrute.

Körbe klein, in großer Zahl in dekorativer Korbrispe.

Solidago gigantea

Stängel kahl, leicht bläulich bereift (wegwischbarer Wachsüberzug). The central stem is light green or . Familie: Asteraceae, Korbblütler). It is hardy to zone (UK) 6. Lebensräume: Brachen, Ruderalstellen, Wiesen, Wegränder, Schuttplätze, Waldschläge.

Begrünung mit standorttypischem Saatgut. KANADA-GOLDRUTE, RIESEN-GOLDRUTE. Bevorzugter LebensrauWiesenbrachen Systematik: Korbblütler .

Solidago gigantea

Solidago gigantea Stängel Stängel unbehaart. Rad: Asterales Čeľaď: Asteraceae. Invázny druh v zmysle zákona č. The inflorescence of solidago gigantea is typically large, containing up to 6small yellow flowerheads in a layere pyramidal cluster, with some gaps between . Sono una pianta erbacea perenne alta sino a . Tall bushy plant with bright yellow flowers July to August. To download an image please click on the thumbnail. Please click here for guidance on using the NNSS web . Erect, waxy, smooth stems hold smooth to slightly hairy leaves.

Lance-shaped stem leaves are toothed. Common Name: GIANT GOLDENROD. Status: Native, FACW (NWPL).

Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens . Giant Goldenrod is a native erect perennial and is a common roadside Goldenrod. More on impacts: The plant can build up dense and long lasting populations, and easily outcompetes native plants, including tree seedlings. The stem is unbranched below the . Its common names include tall goldenrod and giant goldenro in reference to its . Authority: Gleason, Henry A.

Solidago gigantea

Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States .

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