Der Maiblumenstrauch belohnt den Gärtner mit reicher Blüte und ist zudem noch pflegeleicht und anspruchslos. Sie gedeiht an sonnigen sowie halbschattigen Plätzen mit normalem Gartenboden. Die Yuki Cherry Blossom ist mit dem Proven Winners Award ausgezeichnet.
Sie besticht durch ihre große Blütenfülle und setzt sich. Worth the ten years of development by Dr. A shower of elegant pink flowers creates a carpet of color.
Blüte Kurze Rispen, einzelne Blüten, aussen zartrosa, innen weiss, Mai-Juni. A delightful dwarf Deutzia that covers itself with clusters of pink blooms in spring. When the garden cools down in fall, the leaves add another. Deutzia is a genus of about species of mostly deciduous shrubs which are.
Zone : to Spread : 1. Great for mass plantings because of its neat, mounded habit and rich burgundy-purple fall color. Nouvelle variété très compacte, touffue, spectaculaire au printemps, parée de mille fleurs se fardant de rose et de magenta au fil des heures.
This Deutzia displays a shower of elegant, pink bell-like flowers that create a carpet of color. Deceptively delicate, this gorgeous sun lover is really a garden powerhouse in disguise.

Highly adaptable Yuki Cherry Blossom bears an abundance of elegant. Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom TM is wonderful on a sunny slope, in a perennial be along a path, or use in mass for an outstanding groundcover. This could be our new favorite plant. Neat mounded habit, pink flowers and rich burgundy-purple fall foliage . Flowering best in full sun, . Quantity discounts available. Creates a blanket of pink flowers and the deer stay away.
This smaller and easier to maintain plant grows to . Make an excellent groundcover, especially on a sunny slope by choosing this Proven Winners Quart Yuki Cherry Blossom Deutzia. Image courtesy of Proven Winners. It can tolerate full to part sun. Il est très florifère au printemps. Perfectly pretty pink flowers on a deutzia.
This plant is covered with distinctive pink flowers each spring. The foliage turns into an attractive burgundy red colour in . This is just the Shrub your garden or containers need. Wolno rosnący, niski krzew liściasty o dwubarwny. Not all plants are in stock at all times, so please call or e-mail to confirm availability.
We are continually updating and adding to our inventory.

Pink flowers on a low-growing deutzia ! Rich burgundy foliage in fall. Low, spreading deutzia with pretty pink flowers in the spring. Beautiful when mass planted as a goundcover, Attractive fall color.
Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief. Dainty pink flowers put on a show in the spring when they.
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