ToroFlux Interactive Kinetic Sculpture Metal Spring Flow Toy bei Amazon. Made of a single strand of 1 stainless steel. It is a 27-foot-long ( m) ribbon of steel which is woven into a torus spring.
Toroflux ist eine hypnotisierende Bewegungsskulptur, die jeden Zuschauer verzaubert. Roll the toroflux down a stick, rope or even your arm to create the illusion of a metal soap bubble.

The visual effect is truly magical. Constructed from a single . Der Flow Ring ist ein magisch anmutendes faszienierendes Spiel. Wenn man den Ring von einen Arm zum anderen gleiten lässt, entsteht ein beeindruckender.
The toroflux is tactile (slightly addictive to play with!) and interactive – you can put your hands through it and run it safely along your arms (bare arms work best) . The Toroflux is made with a single strand of 1 Stainless Steel and lays about when flat. Wear it on your arm or put it on your hoop and prepare to be . Buy the Flowtoys Toroflux Kinetic Dimentional Slinky Toy online from Takealot.
The Flowtoys Toroflux is like a slinky but much cooler! The metal coil expands from flat, turning into a coil. This coil will then fit and flow over your arms or other . Folds flat and pops open, surprising everyone. ToroFlux is an amazing, super fun to play with wearable kinetic arm slinky.
Find great deals for Toroflux - Kinetic Spring Toy. Shop with confidence on eBay! Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Flowtoys toroflux - the original kinetic spring toy at Amazon.
Read honest and unbiased product . Buy Toroflux torofluxus Flowtoys at Wish - Shopping Made Fun. Free delivery and returns on eligible orders of £or more. Gallery and design store Moss recently reminded us of the exciting and beguiling art toy Toroflux.
Check out Toroflux - Kinetic Spring Toy reviews, ratings, specifications . The original, the genuine Toroflux ! This mesmerizing flow prop is like a 4th dimensional slinky you can dance with. It folds flat and pops open, surprising . Wir dürfen vorstellen: Der original Toroflux von Flowtoys.
Zusammengefaltet ist er zunächst ein unauffälliger Metallring - doch dann poppt er auf un. Du suchtest nach: toroflux ! Auf Etsy gibt es Tausende von handgefertigten Produkten, Vintage-Stücken und Unikaten passend zu deiner. tolle Angebote für Toroflux - Kinetic Spring Toy. Each Toroflux Kinetic Flow Toy comes flat in a carrying bag. Tap it, and it explodes into what looks like a metallic . This is the genuine, original Flowtoys Toroflux , a fun and strange toy.
Find the best selection of toroflux in bulk here at Dhgate. Including free shipping card games and free pumpkin faces at wholesale prices from .
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