Montag, 13. Juni 2016

Lysimachia clethroides

Lysimachia clethroides , the gooseneck loosestrife, is a species of flowering plant, traditionally classified in the family Primulaceae. It was transferred to the family . Gooseneck Loosestrife because its slender arching spikes of white flowers have a graceful crook that makes them. Elegant long, slender arching spikes of tiny white flowers above a . Schnee Felberich - anspruchslose, mittelhohe, aufrecht wachsende Staude mit weißen leicht überhängenden Blütenrispen.

Lysimachia clethroides

Nodding white gooseneck shaped racemes from mid to late summer, deadhead to rebloom. In rich soil this loosestrife forms running clumps of tall stems clothed with narrow green foliage and topped in late summer with shepherd-crook spikes of tiny . It is hardy to zone (UK) 4. Herbaceous Perennial Flower. This moisture-loving perennial can thrive in full. This rare and extremely choice and lovely plant. Schneeweisse, nickende Blütenkerzen von Juli–September.

Leuchtend orange Herbstfärbung des Laubes.

Lysimachia clethroides

Für Rabatten und Freiflächen in feuchten bis nassen. Racemes arching like shooting stars, bursting into soft white flowers against a deep . Tightly packed spikes of tiny white flowers, each curiosly curled sideways like a wave. USDA PLANTS Symbol: LYCLU. A native of eastern Asia, occasionally escaped from cultivation.

Dieser Felberich ist eine wunderschöne Blütenstaude mit sehr eleganten weißen, leicht überhängende Blütenrispen. Bloempjes dicht bij elkaar in grote aren die een eigenaardige vorm aannemen. Houden van een vochtige humusrijke grond.

Flowers are produced in an extensive colony of spikes that are pure white. Lysimachia Clethroides is a vigorous perennial which has lance-shape grey- green leaves and in Summer, bears spikes of white flowers. Bei Lysimachia ciliata, clethroides , nummularia, punctata und vulgaris sollten wir den Ausbreitungsdrang im Griff haben, sie brauchen am feuchten Standort . Makes a very good cut flower.

Slender arching spikes of white flowers. Spreads by underground running roots. Common Name: Gooseneck loosestrife. Plant Type: Deciduous perennial.

Family: Myrsinaceae (formerly in Primulaceae) Geographic.

Lysimachia clethroides

Die weißen Blütenstände des Entenschnabelfelberichs sind elegant gebogen. Gute Schnitt- und Rabattenstaude! Variegated mint green and white leaves take on pleasing coral pink shades in fall.

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