The species is indigenous to . Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch dict. How do you take care of poinsettias ? These finicky short-day plants require specific growing needs in order to retain their Christmas . The poinsettia could have been specially designed for Christmas with its bright- red halo and festive green foliage. However that red halo is not .
They are often disposed of once they start to fade, . To keep your poinsettia healthy and beautiful for a long time, you have to consider just a few tips and tricks. Learn the interesting history behind the poinsettia , and discover how this plant native to Mexico came to be the official plant of Christmas. Expert tips on how to care for your poinsettia - and what to look out for when buying one in a supermarket. No flower says Christmas like the beautiful poinsettia. Learn a few facts about this traditional Christmas plant.
What is the meaning of poinsettias ? In Canada, poinsettia are the most popular of all Christmas houseplants.
Millions of poinsettia are purchased each year during the Christmas season by people . Poinsettias are part of the Euphorbiaceae or . You loved your poinsettia during the holidays, but (news flash!) the holidays are over. Now your plant is starting to look a little sad. Here are tips for keeping them happy and healthy throughout the year. Some people try to reflower the, plants again the next Year.
With proper care, a poinsettia can last throughout the holiday season. Find out how this beautiful plant got its name. Year in and year out, Americans buy more poinsettias than any other type of flowering indoor potted plant. Keep the poinsettia at normal room temperature, but not above 20°C.
Too much heat will shorten the blooming . The poinsettia , Euphorbia pulcherrima Wil is a tropical plant indigenous to Mesoamerica and tropical Mexico. It was cultivated by the Aztecs . Long before the arrival of Europeans, the Aztecs of . The poinsettia is a native plant of Mexico and originated in a rather limited region near present day Taxco. The familiar red flowers have been joined by even . Restoring a dormant poinsettia to color, however, .

During the holidays, poinsettias are a popular Christmas plant. Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to . When you think poinsettia plant, you think Christmas. Honestly, though, when was the last time you saw a poinsettia incorporated into spring . Get these pointers from HGTV on how to care for your poinsettia. Here are tips, video include to keep them looking good this holiday season. Scientific Name: Euphorbia pulcherrima.
Toxic Principles: Irritant sap.
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